Own Projects Some of our latest projects


A large-scale tourism project aimed at building a platform which not only contains but also gives access to various Transylvanian attractions and values. We started developing the application in 2016, revamping it with a brand new look and even more content and features in 2018. In the future, we plan on including an interactive event calendar, a tour guide, adventure and extreme sports guides and a city walk feature. The application has been fully funded and developed by Lynx Solutions.

7 Wonders of Transylvania

The “7 Wonders of Transylvania”  project is a joint initiative between Transindex , goTransylvania and Lynx Solutions, during which in May 2017, our first campaign offered a platform for choosing the 7 Wonders of this region, gathering more than 20.000 votes. But the focus wasn't on the 7 final selections but on the promotion and presentation of all the candidates. Our goal isn't creating a competition, but presenting values without having any interest in the final outcome. Obviously, Transylvania doesn't simply have 7, nor only 34 “wonders”. You can read it, suggest more miracles and share your favorites.

Google Camera Loan

This project represents the first of its kind in Romania, this being the first time to officially capture for Google, in a 360° photography format, the wonders of the Carpathian mountains in this region. The Ceahlău, Suhardul Mic, Red Lake (Lacul Roșu), Colții Trascăului, Piatra Singuratică are all places which soon will be accessible to the general public as a digital walk, which anyone will be able to do from the comfort of an armchair. We intend to continue the project and would like to have even more landscapes mapped with the help of Google.

UTree – Arborii noștrii

„UTree” (formerly known as „Arborii noștrii”) is an online IT platform which gives place to the online catalogue of trees from the city of Târgu Mureș. This is a joint initiative, developed by Lynx Solutions and Pando Environmental Protection Agency. We are confident in our belief that we need to know the city’s trees in order to truly understand their value and to create a solid, factual basis for ongoing debates about the way they are being handled. The online catalouge of urban trees is being updated by volunteers who are enthusiastic townspeople interested in the state and future of green areas. In the future, we would like to extend this concept to the entirity of Transylvania, Romania and even go international with the idea.